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Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes Ethical Standards and Engagement Criteria

Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes is a global citizen with a tradition of excellence in its service, employee relationships, vendor relationships, and excellent product offerings. High ethical standards guide our business practices and our relationships. All vendors, agents, and factories who wish to become Sources for Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes must conduct business in an ethical manner. They must be committed to providing their employees with a safe and healthy workplace, they must not exploit their employees and they must be committed to protecting our environment.

All vendors selected as sources have been given Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes’s (Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes) “Engagement Criteria” This details how Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes expects our suppliers to conduct business and what our vendors can expect from us. Vendors can also expect that “compliance audits” will be conducted by Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes’s agents as well as independent audit teams to ensure that ethical standards and these engagement criteria are continuously adhered to.

Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes Engagement Criteria

These Engagement Criteria define the guiding principles we value when forming relationships with our global factory suppliers, agents, and sources (our “Global Suppliers”). Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes is committed to ensuring these guidelines are followed by its Global Suppliers, in all global locations where our products are produced. We expect our Global Suppliers to follow these standards while requiring these same standards throughout their chosen supply chain. We will monitor and audit activities through on-site inspections, manufacturing agreements, and third party assessments. We favor Global Suppliers who contribute to the betterment of the communities in which they operate.

  1. Ethical Standards

    We will conduct business only with Global Suppliers who display sound and legal practices by conforming to all applicable local and national laws, rules and regulations and applicable treaties. Our Global Suppliers must minimize potential for conflicts of interest, prohibit the giving or receiving of gifts or gratuities, and conduct business with us in a truthful and collaborative manner, and comply with all specifications, quality criteria, and product requirements.

  2. Health & Safety

    Our Global Suppliers must be committed to providing a safe and healthy working & living (if housing is provided) environment that complies with all local laws and regulations, including: adequate medical facilities, fire exits, safety equipment, well-lighted and comfortable work stations, clean restrooms, personal protective equipment, safe storing of chemicals, and a well-known emergency evacuation plan with clear and accessible aisles and exits.

  3. Environmental

    Our Global Suppliers must be committed to environmentally safe practices and must be in compliance with all applicable laws and environmental regulations. All waste materials and manufacturing by-products must be disposed of properly in an environmentally responsible manner according to local laws and regulations.

  4. Employment Practices

    • Wages & Benefits: Global Suppliers must pay wages and provide benefits that meet or exceed the applicable legally mandated minimum requirements. Any wage deductions must comply with applicable law and be clearly communicated to employees.
    • Working Hours: Except under extraordinary business circumstances, employee working hours should not exceed 60 hours per week. Employees must be entitled to one day off in each seven-day period.
    • Child Labor: Global Suppliers must not employ any person under the age of 16 years or any person who is younger than the age for completing compulsory education in the country of manufacture where such age is greater than 16 years.
    • Forced Labor: Global Suppliers and their subcontractors must not use forced, prison, bonded, indentured, or involuntary labor.
    • Disciplinary Practices: Global Suppliers must not subject their employees to mental or physical threats, harassment or abuse. Physical punishment of any kind is forbidden.
    • Regular Employment: To every extent possible, work performed must be on the basis of recognized employment relationship established through law and practice. Typical obligations to employees under labor, social security, or other laws and regulations shall not be avoided through use of contracting, sub-contracting, or other methods.
    • Non-Discrimination: We believe in cultural diversity and support employment practices based on individual skills and abilities. Global Suppliers must not discriminate in any way.

  5. Freedom of Association

    Global Suppliers must recognize and respect the legal right of employees to freely associate and join organizations.

  6. Security

    Our Global Suppliers must provide a safe and secure working & living environment (if housing is provided), and comply with applicable U.S. Customs importing laws and security processes or any other applicable importing laws or security processes of jurisdiction where products will be shipped.

  7. General

    We require Global Suppliers to maintain records and to permit Lehigh Valley Safety Shoes or its designees to periodically audit such compliance. We will favor Global Suppliers who demonstrate a willingness and ability to meet these Engagement Criteria.